In these two short videos, Mr Karri discusses how he creates an inconspicuous scar for his patients, as well as the benefits of having facelift surgery under sedation anaesthesia.

A Well-hidden Scar

An inconspicuous and well hidden facelift scar is very important as it allows patients the option of pulling their hair up without worry that a scar will be seen. Mr Karri is extremely careful to ensure each patient is left with the most inconspicuous scarring.

In this video he explains how he is creating a retro-tragal or post-tragal incision so as to hide the facelift scar just alongside the little cartilage in front of the ear called the tragus. The scar then goes up, around the ear and into the temporal hairline. Scars are tailored for each patient’s anatomy and variability in their hairline.

Hair preservation is a large consideration in scar placement as well as following the natural creases around the ear and earlobe. Lifting in the proper direction and avoiding tension on scars prevents the pulled look after a facelift and allows for the best healing scar.

Facelift Surgery Under Sedation Anaesthesia

Mr Karri performs many of his facelift surgeries under sedation anaesthesia, patients are calm, comfortable and often able to return home the same day as their surgery.

Recovery time is quicker following sedation anaesthesia and patients minimise side effects which are often associated with other anaesthetics.

To find out more about facelift surgery, take a look here, or alternatively email us on or call the team on 01482 976 980.